Michael Tetzlaff

Old(er) IT guy who thinks he’s a writer. What do you want to do when you grow up they asked. “Write a book,” I said. They sniggered and told me that’s what everyone wanted to do. Well I did it – ok, it took another forty six years before I started writing. But I got there 🙂

Fractured Blood
Fractured Blood – Kindle Edition

A “Pandora’s box” thriller set in the near future. What happens if you open the box to reveal a new threat – we’ve already opened that box once with nuclear weapons. Will they ever be removed from our world? But this is not about nuclear weapons, it’s about something that threatens who we are. It’s also appealing as it could be a means for achieving great good … or evil. That’s what “Fractured Blood” is about….but with an added twist.